Glatz Castello Parasols Designmuseum4.jpg

Café og Restaurant

Forlæng udeserveringssæsonen og skab vækst med professionel overdækning.

Alux er en afskærmningsvirksomhed, der specialiserer sig i solafskærmning, mekanisk tyverisikring og brandsikring. Vi tilbyder markedets bedste produkter og service, certificeret efter de nyeste europæiske standarder.

Extend the life of your products with our ISO certified service inspection

RC4 & RC5 sikring af vægge, lofter, gulve og celler Safe Pro sikringsmodul.

Det nyudviklede sikringsmodul er en banebrydende løsning, som tilbyder højsikringsmuligheder med exceptionel styrke.

149 Slat screens ensures better indoor climate and well-being at Campus Horsens

At Alux, we are proud to have delivered solar shading solutions to Campus Horsens.

Alux takes green responsibility by switching to sustainable aluminum from Hydro.

At Alux, we have made a major change in our sourcing of aluminum, so that we now only supply the climate-friendly and sustainable Reduxa aluminum from Hydro.


Project planning

In collaboration with architects and contractors, we design, deliver and install complete fire protection, anti-theft and solar shading solutions throughout Scandinavia.

See more about project planning


News & Events

Complete and EN1627 certified security solutions in all scales.

At Alux, we can always guarantee the best on the market. We ensure this through quality tests and certifications in every part of our business, from production to delivery and installation.

Our certifications provide a seal of approval and reassurance that choosing one of our solutions meets the requirements of insurance companies and legislation, while providing the best service in the industry.


Reliable partner with the highest AAA credit rating

AAA is the highest credit rating from the Nordic region's most established rating system and is proof that we are a creditworthy company and thus a stable and trustworthy business partner.


Our ISO 9001:2015 certification is your assurance of a trustworthy partner

Alux sikring is ISO 9001:2015 certified. We only work with leading suppliers of raw materials, semi-finished products, systems and finished products that can meet this standard. This ensures that our customers receive the best possible performance and service.