Establishment of the Alux Veteran Club

At Alux, we have and have had many loyal employees over the years. 

In connection with our 30th anniversary, we have invited a number of old Alux veterans who have lasted until retirement age to a get-together.

At Alux, we are very proud to have a wide range of colleagues who not only dedicate a large part of their lives to ensuring the safety and well-being of people, but are also dedicated employees and colleagues.

A long working life in the same workplace creates many close relationships and, not least, a justified sense of ownership of having helped create something. 

Those relationships and feelings don't just disappear when you retire, which is why we at Alux have established a Veterans Club that meets once or twice a year to share anecdotes, visit old projects and give us at Alux a chance to thank you for your years of dedication. 


Alux A/S takes green responsibility by switching to sustainable aluminum from Hydro.


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