Certified fire protection solutions for all purposes and requirements
Our fire protection solutions are supplied by some of Europe's leading manufacturers. We offer certified installation and delivery of fire curtains, smoke curtains and fire blinds, each with properties that meet all fire safety needs and legal requirements.
Professional guidance
We work closely with you to review the security requirements, usage needs and technical building information to ensure you get the ideal fire protection solution.
Our certified fire protection solutions
The fire classes are indicated as follows
Class EW: Holds back flames and flue gases - limits heat radiation to non-fire exposed side.
Class EI : Holds back flames and flue gases - stops heat spreading to non-fire exposed side
In addition to the fire class, fire protection is also classified according to fire resistance, which is indicated as 30, 60, 90 or 120. The number is an indication of how many minutes the fire protection can hold back flames and smoke.
E = Integrity The ability of the material to remain intact under fire conditions
I = insulation The material's ability to stop heat spreading
W = radiation Material's ability to limit heat radiation
Fire protection of Green Solution House
Hotel and conference center Green Solution House in Rønne on the island of Bornholm has installed the safest fire blinds on the market in connection with the kitchen/restaurant.
Installation of smoke curtains
Alux has installed smoke curtains along corridors in a large office building in Roskilde, which houses Rambøll Danmark A/S, the Danish Information Association and the Danish Nature Agency. The building has an atrium courtyard in the center, which is surrounded by multi-storey corridors. Smoke curtains are installed around all corridors and automatically roll down in the event of a fire.
Perhaps Denmark's largest Fire shutter
Alux, in collaboration with 5E Byg, has delivered probably Denmark's largest Fire shutter of type Fire 5000 Type RGC Ei1 60 EW60 to Sygehus Sønderjylland in Aabenraa. The fire shutter has a weight of 1.6 tons and a size of just over 6 x 9 meters.
Professional guidance
It is the safety requirements in the industry that have the most influence on the type of fire protection you should choose. In addition, there are, of course, a number of technical construction factors that we provide guidance on.
Certified installation
All our departments from sales to production to installation are ISO 9001:2015 certified. In addition, our installation is further documented with complete documentation and installation declaration.
Annual statutory inspection
With a service agreement from Alux, we make sure you remember the statutory annual inspections. We always customize the service agreement based on your needs, quantity, product, location, usage pattern, etc.