Alux's Pivot arm awnings Lights Up: Shellhuset Wins Building of the Year 2023
The Shellhuset in Copenhagen has just won the Building of the Year award in the Commercial category, and Alux is proud to have contributed to the project by providing solar shading in the form of 157 Pivot arm awnings with full yellow Fabric. These awnings, designed by Alux, have not only added aesthetic appeal to the Shellhuset, but have also proven to be an integral part of the architectural and original design of the building.
Images by: Martin Toft Burchardi Bendtsen/

The distinctive gold color of the awnings has not only given the Shell House a unique look, but it has also proven to be a practical and functional solution. Alux has implemented a stand-alone automation solution from Somfy, which allows the Drop Arm awnings to adapt to the changing weather conditions by automatically retracting and extending.
The Building of the Year award is considered a prestigious national honorary award that recognizes buildings of particular social and professional significance. The judging committee has emphasized that the renovation of Shellhuset has been carried out with respect for the existing building's history and its deeply fascinating background. Shellhuset, which previously served as the Danish headquarters of Shell and played a role during World War II, retains its unique cultural significance in the new design.
Scott Hollingsworth, chairman of the judging committee, said at the awards ceremony, "The Shell House has managed to achieve that rare balance between honoring its past while providing a modern and attractive workplace. It is an excellent example of how historic buildings can be transformed for modern purposes without losing their soul. Therefore, Shellhuset should be recognized as 'Building of the Year'."
ATP Ejendomme, the owner of Shellhuset and responsible for the renovation, was represented by Thomas Fog, responsible for development and operations. He not only thanked for the award, but dedicated it to all partners and tenants of Shellhuset, which operates Denmark's largest office hotel.
Shellhuset joins a distinguished list of previous winners in the Business category, including DTU Risø, Pakhuset Braunstein in Køge and Klimatorium near Lemvig. The award not only recognizes Shellhuset's renovation, but also the successful collaboration between all parties involved in preserving and renewing this historic building.