Panel discussion: Why do we in the security industry continue to perform mechanical security according to outdated standards?

Background for the debate

For many years, the mechanical security industry has followed the Insurance and Pension Fund (IPF) security classification ranging from YELLOW to RED class, with RED class being the highest. In July 2016, F&P decided to remove their classification in favor of the much more demanding EU standard, EN1627-30, which ranges from RC1 to RC6, as the highest.

Despite the introduction of the new and more demanding EN standards in July 2016, there is still confusion in the industry, with solutions still being implemented according to the old F&P standards.

But why is this? Watch the debate in the video above.



Kasper Skov-Mikkelsen / Director , SikkerhedsBranchen
Søren Kjeldmand / Chief Consultant , F&P
Jesper Florin / Head of Department , DBI Brand & Sikring
Mads Ottosen Fricke / Section Manager, Danish Technological Institute
Bill T. Jensen / Owner , Alux A/S Jensen / Owner , Alux A/S

The panel debate is recorded at Danish Security Fair 2023, organized by Alux A/S.

Highlights from the debate


Søren Kjeldmand from F&P explains about security levels

Either it's RC certified or it's not!

Do you know your security level?

Are your security solution and installer certified?

Why are non-certified security solutions still being installed?

Always ask for an installation statement

The Standard Thief Method and Skafor are discontinued!

If you haven't got the right solution, your insurance won't cover it.


Alux achieves the highest AAA credit rating again, again


Get ready for the panel debate at Danish Security Fair 2023