Alux achieves the highest AAA credit rating again, again

AAA is the highest credit rating from the Nordic region's most established rating system and is proof that we are a creditworthy company and thus a stable and trustworthy business partner.

Credibility is a fundamental value at Alux, and we are proud to announce that in 2023 we will once again achieve the highest AAA credit rating. The prestigious AAA credit rating from the Nordic region's most recognized rating system, awarded by Dun & Bradstreet, represents the highest creditworthiness and is recognized as an elite achievement, achieved by only 2% of Danish companies.

In a time of uncertainty, Alux has navigated safely through, and this is now underlined by the impressive AAA rating from Dun & Bradstreet. Our ongoing commitment to maintaining financial stability has resulted in this significant recognition.

Dun & Bradstreet's credit rating model is based on an advanced mathematical algorithm involving over 2,400 decision rules. These rules include basic data, ownership, financial parameters and payment history, creating a comprehensive picture of a company's reliability and financial health. This not only confirms confidence in our company in 2023, but it also cements our commitment to reliable business practices and sound financial management.


Alux named Apprenticeship of the Year 2023


Panel discussion: Why do we in the security industry continue to perform mechanical security according to outdated standards?