Alux pergola awnings extend the season at HimmerLand Resort

Alux A/S has delivered close to 400 sqm. of Sun 5000 Rota slatted pergola roofing for HimmerLand Resort, extending the season and increasing comfort.

HimmerLand Resort

Year built: 2022
Location: HimmerLand Resort
Product: Sun 5000 Rota pergola awning


Thousands of people visit Himmerland Resort every year, and in the future, a new, improved experience awaits guests when they visit the North Jutland gem in the scenic surroundings.  

We have delivered and installed SUN 5000 Rota pergola awnings in both the resort's restaurant and conference room, which makes it much more flexible to use the facilities, according to Per Kragh, Project Manager at Himmerland:

''We now have a much more flexible space, so even on a windy or rainy day we can use the outdoor areas.

He adds that the awnings have a decisive effect:

''It has simply made the season longer.

Windproof, rainproof and easy to operate

Sun 5000 Rota is a pergola system with 260mm wing-shaped aluminum slats.

The slat is rotatable and can be closed to make the attached sealing strips rainproof. Rainwater is directed via channels into the vertical supporting posts and out onto the ground or into prepared drains. The system is operated by a 230V motor and can be operated manually or via one of our advanced solar and wind automation systems.

Himmerland benefits from this flexibility in management:

"You can program it so that you get sun at one end and shade at the other end. It works really well and is easy to operate,'' says Per Kragh

He adds that the pergola system provides an optimal climate to stay in, both when the sun shines and when it rains.

Collaboration with aplomb

We offered a complete pergola awning solution to Himmerland Resort, which they were very satisfied with from the start:

"We chose Alux because they offered us what we wanted at a reasonable price . Inaddition, their energetic approach, where they could vouch for everything, meant a lot to us,'' says Per Kragh.

Throughout the entire process, the collaboration has been fruitful and well-functioning, which pleases Per Kragh:

''The collaboration with Alux has been great. Things have arrived when they were supposed to, and the small errors that have occurred have been corrected with bravura. We really appreciate that.


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