Here are the approved grilles according to the new classifications in EN 1627-1630
Just a few years ago, the product standards for doors, windows, shutters, gates and fittings changed, and new certifications could be issued after thorough testing with hydraulic pressure, swing pendulum and burglary tests with tools at the Danish Technological Institute. This was done in a very different and more demanding way than before, and the old SKAFOR approvals are therefore not at all comparable to the new ones that Alux has obtained for several of our products over the past year.
Photo: Roller Shutter - Safe 3000
EN 1627-1630 is a common European standard for determining the performance of burglary attempts through windows and doors - issued by Danish Standards following a proposal from the European committee CEN/TC 33.
The standard consists of 4 parts:
EN 1627 Specification on fittings and manufacturing of test elements.
EN 1628 Static test.
EN 1629 Dynamic test.
EN 1630 Manual test (burglary test) with standard tool kit
The standard is divided into 6 classes according to durability. The classes range from RC1 to RC6, where RC stands for Resistance Class. The higher the class a grille is approved for, the longer it will take a thief to break through it and the more professional the tool the thief will use.
Below you can find the grilles and roller shutters that Alux has had approved according to the new standards:
Resistance time: 3 minutes
The components in this class provide basic protection against physical break-in attempts where the thief kicks or pulls.
Resistance time: 3 minutes
The components in this class provide protection against break-in attempts by the common thief who uses screwdrivers, wedges and pliers.
Alux offers SafeRoller, Safe 4000 Rolling Grille type 180 (100 mm slats) and Safe 2000 Roller Shutter in this security class.
Resistance time: 5 minutes
Resists the experienced thief using two screwdrivers and a crowbar.
Alux offers Safe 3000 Roller Shutter, Safe 3000 Fixed Grille and Safe 4000 scissor grilles in this security class.
Resistance time: 10 minutes
Resists the experienced thief who uses saws and impact tools such as axes, hammers and pry bars, as well as battery-powered tools.
Alux offers Safe 4000 in this protection class Roller Shutter
Resistance time: 15 minutes
Resists the experienced thief who uses high-performance power tools such as drills, reciprocating saws and angle grinders with a maximum 125 mm disc.
Resistance time: 20 minutes
Resists the experienced thief who uses high-performance power tools such as drills, reciprocating saws and angle grinders with a maximum 250 mm disc.