Slatted facade at IBA Business Academy in Kolding, Denmark
IBA Business Academy is a breathtaking and sustainable 7-story, 9,000 square meter campus.
IBA Business Academy
Year built: 2019
Location: Kolding
Client: IBA Business Academy Kolding
Architect: Arkitektfirmaet Kjaer & Richter A/S
Turnkey contractor: Hoffmann A/S
Alux supplied and installed the exterior solar shading on the facades in three different colors. The sun protection consists of a total of 10,000 meters of slats, which corresponds to 30 tons of aluminum. The slats are 2-part box slats of 40 x 250 mm with end bases. They are mounted on concrete elements with Ø 38 x 50 mm spacer tubes.
In the school's Friday bar, Alux also helped secure the bar area with SafeRoller security blinds, which are elegant security solutions specially developed by Alux.
IBA's many students, teachers and administrative staff have been using the building since August 2019.