Safe 2000 Rolling Grille.png

Safe Easy

Simple and economical security solutions for the lowest security level.

F&P fuse level - Fuse levels 10 & 20.

Safe Easy is a simple security solution that meets basic security needs and protects against unwanted intrusion or unauthorized access in a simple and economical way. 

Fixed Grille Safe Easy

Safe Easy is a fixed grille that is ideal for skylights, basement windows and other places where removable security is not required.

Lowest F&P protection level - Protection levels 10 & 20.

Rolling Grille Safe Easy

Safe 2000 is a simple and economical way of securing roll-formed steel profiles used at the lowest security level.

Lowest F&P protection level - Protection levels 10 & 20.

Roller Shutter Safe Easy

Safe Easy blind is a neat and economical protection of roll-formed steel profiles used for the lowest security level.

Lowest F&P protection level - Protection levels 10 & 20.


Professional guidance

In close collaboration with you, we ensure the optimal security solution for your needs. If we don't have a standard solution, we develop, test and certify a complete solution for you.

Every part of Alux is ISO 9001:2015 certified. We only work with leading suppliers of raw materials, semi-finished products, systems and finished products that can meet this standard. This ensures that our customers receive the best possible performance and service.

Our ISO 9001:2015 certification is your assurance of a trustworthy partner


Alux takes green responsibility by switching to sustainable aluminum from Hydro.

At Alux, we have made a major change in our sourcing of aluminum so that we now only supply the climate-friendly and sustainable Hydro Reduxa aluminum from Hydro.