We support Knæk Cancer 2021

Cancer is a public issue. A public disease that affects every third Dane and makes us all relatives. Knæk Cancer is Denmark's biggest effort against cancer, where we all stand together to beat cancer.

At Alux, we work every day to ensure the safety and well-being of people. Although our focus is on Mechanical security, solar shading and fire protection - our message also extends to community unity and solidarity. The goal is that fewer people get cancer, more people survive and more people have a better life after the disease.

Alux supports the Danish Cancer Society's efforts in research, prevention and patient support with DKK 15,000. - where our knowledgeable and thoughtful employees have supported with DKK 100 per person, the rest of the amount is supplemented by Alux.


Merry Christmas from all of us at Alux!


Rikke Glintborg has been hired as a project manager assistant at Alux