Fixed Grille Safe 4000 type 100/50 classified in RC4

It is now a known fact that our new Safe 4000 type 100/50 is classified RC4, the only fixed grille system of this type tested and approved according to the EN1627-30 standard.

Fixed Grille Safe 4000 type 100/50 is a further development of our patented Fixed Grille system, so we now offer this grille type in 3 versions. The regular grille Safe 3000 type 100 approved according to the old F&P standard in blue class, Safe 3000 Type 100 certified in RC3, and now Safe 4000 type 100/50 classified in RC4.

Our grille type is a patented system and is the only fixed grille system of this type that has been tested and approved according to the EN1627-30 standard.

Safe 4000 type 100/50 Fixed Grille is made with double steel mesh, additional reinforced aluminum side rails and extra strong locks in the side rails. The mesh is still removable so it is possible to lift off the mesh and clean the windows.


Certified theft and fire protection solutions according to the latest EU standards


We have to deal with the new standards - every time