The certificate for our RC-certified security solutions has now been issued

Earlier this year, we announced the certification of our Safe 4000 Venetian blind, which was exceptionally approved for 6 meters in width in security class RC4. This blind and three other products that were previously approved according to EN 1627:2011 have now finally been certified.

The certificate is a seal of approval for our security solutions and is therefore an assurance that by choosing one of these solutions, you meet the insurance companies' requirements for burglary protection and at the same time get the absolute best mechanical security for windows and doors.

The certificate has been in the pipeline for over 2 years, and the new standards have been official for even longer. We have worked long and hard on improvements and tests of our grilles and blinds in collaboration with the Danish Technological Institute, so it is with great pleasure that we can now finally present the proof that we are the only ones in Denmark who can deliver RC-certified security solutions.

The 4 solutions we can deliver in the RC classes are our Fixed Grille Safe 3000 type 100, Rolling Grille Safe 3000 type screen, Roller Shutter Safe 3000 and Roller Shutter Safe 4000. This means there are approved solutions for virtually any application - shop fronts, warehouses, skylights and much more.

Find approved grilles/blinds at F&P here. The safety guide tick the box in Grilles / Blinds.


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