Certified installation of smoke curtains in Roskilde

Alux has installed smoke curtains along corridors in a large office building in Roskilde, Denmark.


Ramboll Denmark A/S

Year built: 2018
Location: Roskilde


Alux has a nationwide organization of skilled installers, and we offer certified installation with installation declaration, as well as statutory annual service of the products.

The office building in Roskilde, which houses Rambøll Danmark A/S, the Danish Information Association and the Danish Nature Agency, now has significantly improved fire protection with the newly installed smoke curtains. The building has an atrium courtyard in the center, which is surrounded by multi-storey corridors. The smoke curtains are installed around all corridors and automatically roll down in the event of a fire.

Our smoke curtains are tested and certified to European standard EN12101-1, our fire curtains to EN1634.

See more about smoke curtains here


Smoke curtains fireproof Borgernes Hus in Odense


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