Pivot arm awnings at Plejecenter Vestervang

Plejeboligerne Vestervang 42 & 44 is a modern building right next to the Botanical Gardens in Aarhus, Denmark, with elegant and recognizable orange Pivot arm awnings.

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Plejecenter Vestervang

Year built: 2011
Location: Aarhus


The building consists of two houses, each with 30 homes on three floors, implemented with welfare technology on many fronts for the benefit of both residents and staff. In each house, there are homes on the outer edges and common rooms in the middle. This creates a sense of space at the entrance and terrace, which is emphasized by the fact that the otherwise off-white plaster here is a warm orange.

On sunny days, the windows unfold their orange window awnings, significantly changing the character of the house. The 60 Pivot arm awnings are of the Sun 2000 type, which is an excellent sun protection solution for windows of this size. And the orange tablecloths bring life and joy to the surroundings and residents.

All awnings are motorized and are connected to automatic sun and wind control. This automatically shields the sun and regulates the heating of the homes. This provides a more comfortable indoor climate. In addition, residents can operate the awnings remotely and regulate the light and heat output. The same applies to the interior curtains, which are similarly connected to the Alux motor and automation.

Find out more about Pivot arm awnings here


Pivot arm awnings at Restaurant GLØD in Copenhagen


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