177 screens ensure a good indoor climate at Plinten, Kolding

Alux has had the pleasure of supplying 177 VSZ screens, which can withstand wind speeds up to wind class 6 - 24.7 m/s.

Plinten, Kolding

Year built: 2018-2020
Location: Buen 11, 6000 Kolding
Client: Daugaard Pedersen A/S & Andersen Partners A/S


In the center of Kolding city center, Daugaard Pedersen A/S has developed and built approx. 6,000 m2 of office space, which has been leased to Nykredit, Global Evolution and Andersen Partners Law Firm. 

The "plinth" comes from the fact that the building stands on a plinth that functions as a living space, a staircase and passageway as well as an underground parking garage. As architect Jesper Thyge so beautifully puts it, the plinth provides a landscape feature that gives the building its very own calm anchorage in the city. 

The building was designed with the desire to create a beautiful and cohesive brick building body in a modern/classical architecture that will last well into the next century. Simple and easy to read in its basic design, and beautiful and vibrant in its details. Materials that patina and age gracefully and stand up to wear and activity.

This is matched by our wind-resistant screens that give the end user many days of usefulness and are automatically controlled via a centrally located weather station on the roof.

The control is divided into 12 zones and can be set individually for each zone.

Learn more about screens here


Facade blind solution for the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby


Screens Forbedrer Indeklima og Trivsel på Kalvebod Fælled Skole